Bieber's 'As Long As You Love Me' offer 'took me off guard,' says Madsen, who also starred with MJ in 2001.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="">Justin Bieber</a> tweeted that when he was looking for inspiration for his <a href="/news/articles/1690963/justin-bieber-as-long-as-you-love-me-music-video-premiere.jhtml">"As Long As You Love Me" video</a>, there was no one he wanted to <a href="/news/articles/1691049/justin-bieber-as-long-as-you-love-me-michael-jackson.jhtml">emulate more than Michael Jackson</a>.</P><P>Coincidentally, when he needed someone to play his foe in the clip, he looked no further than a guy who has some experience working with Jackson.</P><P>That man is Michael Madsen, who appeared in Jackson's 2001 gangster-themed video for "You Rock My World" off his <i>Invincible</i> album. Oddly enough, the only people that have ever really asked the hard-edged actor to appear in videos happen to be Bieber and Jackson.</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Michael Madsen Has A Soft Spot For Justin Bieber" id="vid:822276" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"Hardly ever [am I asked to be in videos], that was why it was kind of funny cause that doesn't usually happen," he told MTV News. "It came out of nowhere. It was the last thing in the world I expected, to be called by Justin Bieber. It was kind of funny. It took me off guard. It's not the usual thing people think of me for, but considering the role, maybe."</P><P>In <a href="/news/articles/1690932/justin-bieber-as-long-as-you-love-me-video.jhtml">the video</a>, Madsen plays a tough guy who <a href="/news/articles/1691089/justin-bieber-michael-madsen-as-long-as-you-love-me-punch.jhtml">beats up Bieber</a> after the teen ignores his request to stay away from his daughter. It was that cinematic storyline that got Madsen interested.</P><P>"I didn't want to imagine myself on a trampoline with a lollipop, so I asked for the story. I realized it was almost like a film production; and of course, I kind of figured that it might be an interesting thing to do," he said about the Anthony Mandler-directed video. "I didn't know what to expect... I was surprised... They got me a good wardrobe. That was my shirt though. I brought my own shirt; those kinds of shirts are kind of rare.</P><P>"The story is so much Shakespearian; the couple, they run off together out the window," he later continued. "It's rather like that, I thought that was interesting. And I thought the kid, he had an enormous talent and he was very gracious to my sons and was very gracious to my family."</P><P>It was actually those sons that convinced the Hawaiian-shirt-wearing "Kill Bill" star to make the video with Bieber. "Well I was surprised at first that the kid was interested in having me be part of his video," he recalled. "I went to my sons and I asked my boys, I asked my sons what they thought if I should if they thought I should do it or not. And, of course, they gently placed their hand on my shoulder and said 'Dad don't you realize who Justin Bieber is?' And I said 'Well, no, actually I didn't.' But with their blessing I decided I thought it might be interesting."</P><P><i>Do you think Michael Madsen's appearance in "As Long As You Love Me" bumps Bieber to MJ status? Let us know in the comments!</i></P><P><object width="460" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="embeddedPlayer" data="" style="visibility: visible;"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="flashvars" value="playerType=embedded&videoId=USUV71201064&playlist=false&enableDomScan=true&"></object></P>
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